Friday, 2 January 2009

Wrong Conclusion

Why do people tend to jump to conclusions about things and situations? Most of the time people don’t know the full story about a situation yet they tend to be judgmental. A primary example is when black people see a black man and white woman together they tend to judge the female and the male. They immediately assume the girl is either a sket, easy to manipulate or some other theory along those lines, they don’t know the girl or guy yet they know the reason when the guy is going out with her. Then they look at the guy and start asking why is he going out with a white woman what’s wrong with us black woman and shit like that. This is something that happens a lot in a day and age where it is claimed racism is slowly being eradicated. Could it be that the guy is with the girl he likes her and he is mature enough to see past the color. Actions speak louder than words, a person doesn’t have to tell you what they are thinking you can tell by their facial expressions and normally is a screw face where mixed relationships are concerned.

Another example is the notion that guys can’t be friends with girls. Guys who have close female friends are immediately assumed of either previously being involved with the female, about to be in involved with the female or about to be involved with the female. Why is it not plausible for a guy to enjoy the female’s company without being involved in a sexual nature? I have in the past jumped to conclusions but when I realized what I was doing and how I would feel is that was me being judged I stopped. In one way or other peoples opinions play a part in our lives. The worst thing is when someone you call a friend jumps to conclusions about a situation. A person who you trust and are close to you conclude their own opinion without facts leaves a person feeling a sense of betrayal. This is life and there is nothing we can do about it would be most people’s response however remember a tree grows tall and strong over the years from a tiny little seed the same principle applies to change it must first start inside and then slowly we can spread it to those around.

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